Design Thinking For Educators


On August 17,  I posted a link to  a video of a presentation that IDEO Design Learning Lead Sandy Speicher gave about what constitutes an effective learning environment (not just about physical space layout) at this year’s Aspen Ideas Festival. In that presentation Sandy referred to a website called Design Thinking For Educators.  Already familiar with IDEO Design’s exciting user-centered design process, I thought I’d go check out this website.

IDEO Design created a way to apply and teach their own human-centered design process to the K-12 education space.  At their website you can learn more about this innovative way that educators can shape the kinds of learning experiences that will enhance students abilities to learning.  The website elegantly and simply showcases IDEO Design’s work with Riverdale Country School.  There are several videos that quickly explain their concept of Design Thinking from the perspective of the teachers at the school.

There is a connection to games.  When you visit the website, scroll down the page to the Case Studies section.  Click on the Motion Math link.  Motion Math is a game app that the teachers created using Design Thinking! Motion Math was designed for children to teach and test mastery of math concepts.

By the way you can download a free copy of the Design Thinking For Educators Toolkit.  I will talk about the toolkit in the next post.

In the mean time, I highly encourage you to visit this site and prepare to be inspired.