Gaming the Classroom: The Art and Science of Game Based Learning

Gaming the Classroom: The Art and Science of Game Based Learning

“Gamification should be about driving learning and behavior change” — Karl Kapp, professor of instructional technology, Bloomsburg University

Gaming in America

  • $5.5 billion: gaming industry sales by 2018
  • 194 million: estimated number of gamers in U.S. (2014)
  • 1.8 billion: number of gamers worldwide (2014)
  • 13 hours: weekly average time gamers play
  • 97: percentage of youths who play computer and video games
  • 40: percentage of female gamers

Gaming in the Classroom

  • Over 60%: of learners say leader boards and competition would motivate them.
  • 80% of learners would be more productive if learning was more game-like.
  • 97% of teachers use digital games created for educational use.
  • 70% of teachers saw increase in student engagement when using educational video games.

Frequency of Play

  • 27% of teachers use digital games at least once a month
  • 38% use games weekly
  • 18% use games daily
  • 16% Rarely, or almost never use games
  • 50% of teachers polled are comfortable using games to teach
  • 34% moderately comfortable 11% slightly
  • 6% Not at all comfortable
  • 80% of those teachers who feel “very comfortable” using digital games use them daily or weekly
  • 100% of those who are not comfortable still use games once about once a month

How effective are video games in the classroom?


  • Games teach students:
  • Tech literacy [Game play promotes literacy, from technological to socio-emotional]
  • Multi-tasking mentality develops
  • Teamwork
  • Long-range planning
  • Individualized instruction [GBL focuses on each student playing and learning for themselves;
  • individualized instruction is a natural part of the equation]


  • Cost [higher than book-paper-pencil paradigm]
  • Distraction from other objectives
  • Social isolation
  • Shortened attention span

Teachers’ Pick Top 10 Games for the Classroom

10. Chess Pro, with Coach

9. Bridge Constructor

8. Blox 3D

7. Bio Inc

6. Bastion

5. Banner Saga

4. Assassin’s Creed 3

3. Armadillo Run

2 Animate Me (3D Animation for kids)

1. 80 Days


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