How To Cope With Stress During Exams
/How to Cope With Stress During Exams Infographic
Stress during exams is a serious threat for students, as it can affect their sleep, appetite and trigger depression. How can they cope with the stress?
Research reveals that 1 in 2 students have skipped meals while studying for an exam and 1 in 7 said they have used alcohol as a way of dealing with exam anxiety. As if this wasn’t enough 2 out of 3 said it affected their sleep and are seeking professional help to ease their concerns. According to the research, the stress students are experiencing comes from not wanting to disappoint their parents, fear of failing and overall academic pressure.
The How to Cope With Stress During Exams Infographic presents the results of an exam stress survey 2000 undergraduate students participated in and shows the impact anxiety has on their exam performance. To help students out, it also suggests some ways to relieve exam stress and how to study effectively. Have a look! If you know anyone who is suffering from exam anxiety, send them this infographic to help them out. The tips it provides could make a real difference!
View also:
- The Stressed Out Students Infographic
- The Impact of Stress on Test Scores Infographic
- How to Sleep Better and Improve Academic Performance Infographic
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